Alchemical Acupuncture focuses on treating the psycho-emotional issue that is underlying any symptom.

This process involves the transformation of illness into a new way of being in the world, rather than a restoration of our old pattern.

There is a saying in Chinese Medicine 

"All disease originate in the heart"

If you are ready to open your heart to transformation 
I will be delighted to support and accompany your journey

Treatmens are conducted in english or danish


If we as women are not in balance it will quickly tell through our menstrual cycle. 

It can manifest as painful periods, headaches, scanty or heavy bleedings, mood swings, skin problems ext. These signs is your body telling you that somehow your energy is not flowing freely.


From the moment you take the decision that you want to get pregnant 

an amazing process of surrender starts. Getting the right support 

in all the stages can be a great help to make the journey

as smooth as possibly. 


For a woman to enter this phase of her life is in many ways like going into second puberty. Big changes takes place in our body, mind and spirit. All the energy that was bound to producing a monthly cycle now gets available for us for different purposes. But the fire this phase produces must be tamed otherwise it can overpower you. 


In the circle we are all equal- the circle is sacred because it is designed to create unity. 

There is many phases in a woman’s life and through out these it serves great purpose to get together in support and celebration of one another.